We hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and are enjoying the start of the new year.
In this month’s newsletter, you’ll find some fun facts about the creative team that is already at work dreaming up the 2012 production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and learn about ways you can participate in this summer’s festival. You can catch up on some of the great press DSF has already gotten this year and read the third in our series of reminscences about DSF’s 2003 inaugural production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Getting ready for DSF’s 2012 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, each month we’ll hear the memories of a participant in the inaugural 2003 production.
Brian K. Elam – “Robin Starveling”
Alright. Seriously. When I did Midsummer at Delaware Shakespeare a LONG time ago, one memory sticks out. On stage as Robin Starveling, I was playing the “moon” in the play within the play. Meanwhile, Greg Robleto, “whom Pyramus presented in his sport,” began his monologue while I, as said moon, stood a bit upstage center, posing.
When suddenly, from the midst of the audience, I saw a grasshopper make an extremely long jump from the seats to my bright mint green tunic.
What does DSF and “Dancing with The Sta
rs” have in common?

The answer to that question will be revealed momentarily. First, DSF is thrilled to announce the creative team for A Midsummer Night’s Dream. (Personal website when available can tell you a little more about these artists.)
Director…David Stradley (www.davidstradley.com)
Set Design…Christopher Haig (www.chrishaigdesigns.blogspot.com)
Costume Design…Amanda Wolff (amandawolff.com)
Light Design…David Todaro (www.davidtodaro.com)
Sound Design…Stephen Manocchio
Property Design…Avista Custom Theatrical (www.avistacustom.com)
While DSF is excited to be working with all of these talented designers, we thought you would be interested to know that Amanda Wolff had two of her designs featured on a November episode of “Dancing With the Stars.” She won a design contest sponsored by Macy’s and the tv show. You can read about her experience on the show here and here.
We can’t wait to see what Amanda – and all of our other designers – come up with for Midsummer.

DSF in the News
Delaware Shakespeare Festival was recently profiled in 2012 preview issues of both 55 Hours and Spark. People are really looking forward to what we have going on in 2012 – we hope you are, too!
Opportunities to take part in the 2012 Festival
DSF recently posted auditions announcements for our 2012 production. We are looking for actors and college apprentices. You can find out more about the February auditions here.
As always, we will need a whole team of technicians, box office and concession stand workers, and volunteers to help the 2012 Festival come off without a hitch. Job descriptions for technicians and front-of-house positions will be listed soon. If you are interested in volunteering, please drop us an email at [email protected].
Watch for Exciting Announcements
In February, watch for announcements about DSF 10th Anniversary activities and about DSF’s participation in the “Year of the Bard” – an exciting collaboration with a wide array of Delaware cultural organizations.