Saturday, May 5 – 9am – Lums Pond State Park

Are you ready to Run For The Bard? Lace up your sneakers with Producing Artistic Director David Stradley and lots of FODS (Friends of Del Shakes) as we run the Delaware Charity Challenge 5K … and raise money for our ever-growing roster of year-round programming. (Seriously, we’re running all the time.)
Why Run For the Bard?
• Free t-shirts for all runners!
• Prizes for the top three fundraisers (including four VIP summer tix)!
• The chance to leave David in the dust!
Sign ups are now open! CLICK HERE for details. From there, you can:
• REGISTER for the race! (Use the code DELSHAKES18 to sign up with our nonprofit discount rate of $35/runner.) Make sure you choose “Delaware Shakespeare” under the “Join a Team” drop-down menu.
• SET UP a fundraiser to let people know you’re Running For The Bard!
• Once you’ve done that, others can come to your page to DONATE and support Del Shakes … with our thanks!
Not a runner? You can go to the same site and donate and support the runner of your choice.
Different park. Same Shakespearean spirit! We’ll see you there!