We do our best to avoid canceling in advance, as summer storms come and go quickly and can be difficult to predict.
The show may continue through light wind or rain. If passing showers prove too much for the show to continue safely, Delaware Shakespeare staff may call a 20-minute rain delay. If it is not possible to continue, the performance will be canceled and rain vouchers will be issued for any performance during the remainder of the run.
In cases of extreme incoming weather or if lightning strikes within 10 miles during a performance, the performance is canceled immediately and rain vouchers are issued.
Delaware Shakespeare may delay opening the grounds and/or cancel pre-show entertainment if lightning is reported in the area before a scheduled performance. No patrons will be admitted to the performance area less than 30 minutes after the last reported lightning strike. If storms appear to be clearing the area, curtain time may be delayed as much as 30 minutes for 7:30pm performances and one hour for 6pm performances to give stage crew adequate time to safely prepare the stage.
If we do have to call off the show entirely for the night in advance or before the start of the main performance, we will announce the news on Facebook. Advance ticket holders will be contacted by email, and they can move their tickets to another show or a request a refund.
Check our Facebook page for any necessary weather updates on the day of a show.
Current Conditions
Below are the current conditions at Rockwood Park.