Three Artists, Four Humors & Food!
An online Shakespeare-inspired cooking event
Saturday, August 29 at 7:30pm
Meet Del Shakes’ new Associate Artists Newton Buchanan, Bi Jean Ngo, and Emily Schuman as they share their love of food, Shakespeare, and geeky Elizabethan history!
In Shakespeare’s time, the theory of the Four Humors – which dates back to ancient Greece – was widely held. In short, the belief was that the body harbors a balance of four humors (or fluids) – blood, phlegm, black bile, and yellow bile – that determined a person’s health, mood, and character. And different foods and drink could sway that balance.
This was literally a case of you are what you eat!
Bi, Emily, and Newton will share different recipes that could influence a certain humor – and connect those humors to different Shakespeare characters.
Join this live Zoom event, and bring your own food concoction to sway a humor! What food makes you happy? What drink fires you up?
This is a Pay-What-You-Decide event. Registration is free for the Zoom program. Immediately after event, you’ll be sent a link inviting you to pay what you decide the program was worth to you.
Thanks to a CARES Act grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Bi, Emily, and Newton will be joining Del Shakes Associate Artists for the rest of 2020. Be on the lookout for announcements about more virtual programs – and hopefully a few in-person, COVID-safe events.
This event will be a virtual gathering via the online video conferencing platform Zoom.
Once you register for the event, you will be provided with a link to the Zoom session. Join at the time of the event from a device of your choosing – computer, tablet, or smartphone.