Volunteers are the lifeblood of Delaware Shakespeare. Individuals who generously donate their time and talents are the best friends of the theatre. We have opportunities to help out before and during the Summer Festival. We have other needs throughout the year, during the Community Tour, and at special events.
Posters: Volunteers will visit local businesses to distribute posters for display in store windows and on community bulletin boards. This position may require transportation.
Box Office: Box Office volunteers work with the Box Office Manager on site at Rockwood Park at each performance. They sell tickets to the incoming audience. This position will handle money.
Concessions: Concessions volunteers work with the Concessions Manager selling food, drink and merchandise to our audience. Concessions volunteers will help set up and pack up the concessions table for each performance. This position will handle money.
Usher: Our ushers play a very important role in assisting patrons in finding seating. The Summer Festival is open seating and patrons may bring blankets or chairs to sit on. Summer Festival staff will designate where lawn chairs seating can begin. Ushers may need to ask patrons to help make room for other patrons (i.e. convincing a couple on a blanket to fold the blanket in half so another patron can sit next to them). This position does NOT handle money.
Parking: You MUST BE 18+ to volunteer in this area. Parking volunteers help patrons navigate their way to the parking area and direct handicap patrons to the handicap parking area. This position does NOT handle money.
All volunteers will be provided with a Delaware Shakespeare Staff shirt to wear for the performance. We ask that you bring a shirt to wear underneath the staff shirt, and recommend wearing long pants as Delaware summer nights can get buggy. (Khakis are preferred, but presentable jeans are fine.)
For information or if you have questions, please email info@delshakes.